As I will post many marzipan and cream cakes based on the same sponge cake recipe, I am giving the basic recipe that can be used for making all the different marzipan/cream cakes. Usually these cakes have the same basic recipe, but only the fillings are different.
Having tried a lot of different sponge cake recipes throughout the years, I finally found one that I succeed with for the very first time in my life. The main problem was not the texture of the cake, but that it would always, and then I mean always, subside a few minutes after taking it out from the oven. The cake texture would be nice and soft and the cake would also look wonderful while taking it out. But the problem occured when I let it cool and it would subside. This way it made it difficult to divide the cake in even bottoms. Then for some weeks ago I came across this recipe on a norwegian website and decided to give it a try. And believe me I was so happy to see my cake exactly the same as I took it out from the oven even after hours. It did not subside at all. You may watch the video to get the idea of how she is making it, but I am sorry for those who does not understand norwegian. I have translated the recipe, and hopefully you may understand watching the video how it is done.
Sponge cake is the basic cake for a lot of recipes. Specially here in Norway where we makes a lot of cream cakes and
marzipan cakes, sponge cake is a must. You can fill whatever you like and you can garnish it just the way you want. It is only your imaginations that set the limits.
I n g r e d i e n t s :
5 eggs
200 g sugar
200 g all-purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
Set the oven at 200C
- Lay a piece of baking sheet on the spring form cake tin, (about 24-26 cm) before you fix it on the sides
- Grease the sides of the cake tin and sift flour inside
1) Whisk the eggs and sugar together until really thick and creamy and the whisk leaves a trail when lifted (about 5 mins)
2) Mix together flour and baking powder in a new bowl
3) Sift it in the egg and sugar mixture
4) Using a spatula, carefully fold in the flour with sharp and clean movements, cutting through the mixture to preserve the air
5) Pour the batter in the cake tin and make an even surface with the spatula
* Put the cake tin on a wire rack and bake at the lowest slot. At the same time turn the temperature down to 170C, bake for about 30 minutes (after 30 mins, use a cake pin to check if the cake is done)
Put a piece of baking sheet on the wire rack and turn the cake over (with the tin) and let it cool
~ A trick is to use baking sheet on the sides of the caketin to make the sides even more soft.
- When folding-in, always fold a lighter micture into a heavier one, e.g. sifted flour into creamed or whisked mixture, so the air is not pressed out
- Fill the sponge cake with desired filling, like whipped cream, vanilla cream, jams, fruits, berries etc.
(I will give some basic filling ideas in another post)