Monday, 28 December 2009

Apricot Layer Cake

Going to my sisters house, I always bring something baked by me. All of the family was invited and I decided to give this delicious looking layer cake with cream filling and apricot garnish a try, which I found in the baking book “Gyldendals store bakebok”. This cake is time consuming and you have to be patient while making it. The cake is filled with buttercream and garnished with caramelized almonds at the sides. The result came out to be quite succesful as I got good feedback.

Makes about 10 pieces
Calories: ~ 3507
each piece: ~ 351

I n g r e d i e n t s :

50 g butter or margarine
1 dl icing sugar
1 egg
1 tsp grated rind of lemon
1 tsp lemon juice
1 dl all-purpose flour
1 tbsp potato flour
1/4 tsp baking powder


1 dl sugar
1/2 dl chopped almonds
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
3/4 dl water
1 egg yolk
75 g butter or margarine
1/2 dl icing sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar


1 tin (800g) hermetic apricots (or you may use peaches)

1) Grease and sift a small, ring mould, ca. 1 liter.
2) Beat butter/margarine and sugar till pale in color
3) Add egg, grated rind of lemon and lemon juice
4) Sift together flour, potato flour and baking powder and mix in
5) Fill the batter in the form

Bake in a moderately hot oven at 175C for about 20-25 minutes at the lowest slot.

Let the cake in the form for some minutes. Turn it on a wire rack and let it cool under the form.

Caramelized Almonds

1) Cut the cake in three bottoms
2) Melt the sugar for the filling in a small pan. Let it come to to a slightl brown color
3) Mix in the chopped almonds
4) Pour the caramelized almonds on aluminiumsfoil, bakingsheets or a greased tray and let it cool
5) Crush the caramelized almonds roughly in a plastic bag with a mortar or hammer
6) Crush half of it more finely

Filling Cream

1) Make an even batter of flour and water in a sauce pan
2) Heat the sauce pan and stir till it cooks and have cooked for some minutes
3) Take off the sauce pan, add the egg yolk and cool the mixture

4) Beat butter/margarine smoothly with icing sugar
5) Stir in the cooked cream in butter-icing sugar-mixture, in small amounts at a time
6) Beat greatly so that the filling becomes light and fluffy
7) Taste with vanilla sugar and the finely chopped caramelized almonds

The Making

1) Sieve out the syrup from apricots / peaches
2) Cut half of them into fine pieces
3) Mix rest of them till pulp using an electric mixer
4) Put the pulp in between two of the cake bottoms
5) Put then on a layer of the buttercream and cover with the last bottom
6) Spread rest of the buttercream on the top and all around the cake
7) Garnish with apricots / peaches cut in slices and roughly chopped caramelized almonds on the sides